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The Research Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide will assist you in finding information and resources to guide you through the research process.


Once you have selected a topic, write down what you already know or don't know about the topic. Using the information you wrote down, develop questions you'd like to answer.

Developing a Research Question

Video Summary
Before you start searching for sources to support your work, it's a good idea to develop your rough topic into a thesis statement, and then to turn it into a research question that you will set out to answer.

Developing a Research Question by Western Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License:

Example: Endangered Species Act

What do or don't I know about the Endangered Species Act (ESA)?

I know it's a law that protects animals, and their habitats, that are in danger of extinction. I believe the law only protects habitats that are within the U.S. boundaries. I know at one point bald eagles and grizzly bears were on the list, but I thought they had been removed. I know there has been a lot of controversy recently about adding polar bears to the list. I don't know what it takes for an animal to be removed from the list and I don't know what the penalties are for violating this act.

Research Questions

  • What was the Endangered Species Act (ESA) designed to protect -- animals only or ecosystems too?
  • What animals/habitats outside of the United States boundaries are covered by the act?
  • What other countries have legislation to protect animals/habitats?
  • What animals are currently on the endangered species list?
  • How does an animal get added/removed from the list?
  • What penalities are imposed on those who violate the act?

Create a Research Question

These questions will help to transform your topic into a research question.

  • What is your topic?

  • What issues/concepts related to your topic do you need to understand better to develop a research question for your proposal?

  • What scholarly literature have you found related to these issues and concepts?

  • What gaps do you see in the scholarly literature related to your topic?

  • How can your research proposal address a gap in the scholarly literature?

  • Write a research question that, when answered, will help you to address that gap in the scholarly literature.

 See the example below and use the blank worksheet to narrow the scope of your literature review: