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Library Building Policy

All are welcome at the West Library, with our primary patrons being Texas Wesleyan students, faculty, and staff. In order to create a welcoming and comfortable environment conducive to teaching, learning, and research, we ask for your cooperation with the following Library and University policies and in accordance with local, state, and federal law.

Library building policies protect library users and staff, access to resources, and the facilities. Users engaging in disruptive or prohibited behavior may be asked to leave the library and/or have their library privileges revoked.

Starting at 8:00 PM, only the campus community is allowed in the building, with admittance through the front doors. A current Wesleyan ID must be presented to enter the building. At all times, minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Library hours change at different times of the academic year. Please see the library calendar for current hours of operation.

The third floor is designated the "Quiet Floor" with individual study carrels. Conversations, cell phones, and group study are prohibited on this floor.

Group study spaces are located on the first and second floors and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The Library Instruction Center on the first floor and the West Conference Room on the third floor can be requested and scheduled via the EMS system

There are three classrooms on the second floor that can be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis for group study when they are not being used for university classes.

Conduct Policy

Food and drink are permitted in the library.  Please clean up after food and drink and dispose of all trash.  A coffee & tea bar is located on the first floor for patron use. Coffee pods are $0.50 each; tea is free.  A microwave is available for student use and is located next to the coffee & tea bar.

Cell phones should be placed on silent mode or turned off while in the library. The use of cell phones are discouraged within the study areas of the building. Calls should be conducted in the lobby or outside.

Any person who intentionally damages library property will be subject to paying a fine, loss of library privileges, and to appropriate administrative action by the University.

At all times, minors must be accompanied by an adult. Adults are responsible for the behavior of the minors accompanying them.

Lost or Damaged Materials Policy

Borrowers are responsible for any materials checked out on their library account, including materials from other libraries. This includes returning items in the condition in which they were borrowed.

Patrons are not charged for normal wear and tear on library materials. However, the following conditions do not constitute normal wear and tear and may result in replacement charges:

  • Wet or moldy books
  • Materials damaged by food stains, oily or sticky residue
  • Books missing pages or covers
  • Books containing marking by pencil, ink or highlight marker
  • Materials showing tears, cuts, graffiti or other unusual damage

Borrowers are responsible for any materials checked out on their library account, including materials from other libraries. This includes returning or renewing materials by the due date and time and being accountable for overdue fines or fees.

Library materials that are not renewed or returned will be declared lost by the system at 21 days overdue. 

If materials are not returned to the library, a hold will be placed on your University account. You will not be able to access your University records, including grades or transcripts. Holds will be released once all library fees and/or missing materials are resolved.

If you believe you have already returned an item that was declared lost, please contact the Circulation Department so staff can search for the item.

Many materials in the library have multiple pieces, such as educational kits, media equipment, music scores, and media. It is the patron’s responsibility to return all pieces. If an essential piece is broken or lost, West Library will charge the patron for the replacement cost of the piece. Essential pieces are those that are necessary for materials to be usable or educationally meaningful.

If the item requires an essential piece and that piece is lost and not replaceable, the patron will be billed for the replacement cost of the entire item. For example, parts of music scores are often very hard to replace, and a new score must then be purchased.

Items are thoroughly checked by library personnel upon each return, so missing or damaged pieces will be billed to the last borrowing patron upon discovery. It is highly recommended that each patron verify that all pieces are present upon check-out and return.

Fees Policy

Each library user is responsible for all materials checked out in their name. Library borrowing privileges are suspended with outstanding fees or overdue items.  Holds are placed on the student's university account until all library fees and/or missing materials are resolved.

There are no late fees for overdue materials. If materials are not returned to the library, there will be a hold placed on your account. You will not be able to register for classes or access your University records, including grades or transcripts.

All patrons are liable for replacement fees on lost, non-returned, or damaged items while checked out to the patron.

Replacement fees are calculated as follows:

  • Books and materials from the General Collection
    • Replacement cost for the same or most recent edition
    • For items where the replacement cost cannot be determined
      • $40
  • Books and materials from the Juvenile Collections 
    • Replacement cost for the same or more recent edition
    • For items where the replacement cost cannot be determined
      • $15
  • Laptops from the kiosk:
    • $1700

The West Library does not accept cash payments. If you wish to pay with cash, please visit the Cashier's Office on the third floor of the Oneal-Sells Administration Building. After making your payment, bring the receipt to the staff at the Circulation Desk. Payments for library materials, additional printing, and replacement IDs can be made online by clicking the button below.

Collection Development Policy

The purpose and commitment of the Eunice and James L. West Library is to support the mission of Texas Wesleyan University. The collection development policy governs the acquisition, disposal, placement, and access of materials to the Wesleyan community. Adherence to this policy seeks to serve the students, faculty, and staff of the Wesleyan community by building and maintaining a collection that meets present and future information needs.

The West Library adheres to the American Library Association's policies and statements on intellectual freedom, including the Library Bill of RightsFreedom to Read Statement, and the Intellectual Freedom Statement.

  • University Librarian: university faculty assigned to the library and tasked with bibliographic instruction, archival work, cataloging, reference, or other library functions defined by the Library Director and the Faculty Handbook. 
  • Selection: the process of deciding which materials or resources are added to the West Library General Collection. 
  • Deselection/Weeding: the process of deciding which materials or resources are removed from the West Library General Collection. 
  • Primary Clientele: members of the Wesleyan Community are the primary clientele of the West Library, though many considerations are made in favor of the needs of students. 
  • Wesleyan Community: any student, faculty, or staff currently enrolled in classes at or employed by Texas Wesleyan University; this definition also includes alumni of Texas Wesleyan University who wish to utilize select library services. 
  • General Collection: the main library collection, consisting of print and digital resources (located on the 3rd floor of the West Library and online.) 

This policy applies primarily to the print and digital aspects of the General Collection of the West Library. Other collections that generally fall under this policy include Reference, Test Prep, Juvenile, Joe Brown Theater, Twyla Miranda, Game, and Audio/Visual collections. The degree to which other collections fall under this policy is determined by the Collection Management Librarian and the Library Director and may be subject to change based on the needs of the West Library. 

Other collections within the West Library may be developed or maintained by other library departments and may have their own collection development policies in place. For information on the collection development policies of those collections, contact the department assigned to them: 

Other collections within the West Library may be developed or maintained by other library departments and may have their own collection development policies in place. For information on the collection development policies of those collections, contact the department assigned to them: 

The primary goals of collection development at the West Library are to:

  • Provide quality materials and resources to the Wesleyan Community that are in line with the mission of the University and the West Library. 
  • Provide our users with an excellent user experience through our collection. 
  • Collaborate with the Wesleyan Community to determine user needs, particularly those of current students, faculty, and staff. 
  • To obtain and apply new technologies to supplement and support existing collections to maintain a high level of usability and discoverability.  

The University determines regular funding for the West Library yearly and is subsequently allocated to library departments according to the Library Director. These allocations are made based on the current needs of the West Library and are subject to change as determined by the Library Director. The budget is intended to support the missions of both the University and West Library. Expenditures of the allocated budget are primarily determined by the Collection Management Librarian, though the final responsibility lies with the Library Director. Additional funding may be provided through the use of endowments as determined by the University, and these allocations are subject to change based on the current needs of the University. Portions of the Prothro Perkins Endowment and the Eunice and James L. West Endowment are traditionally allocated to the Library for this purpose. 

The growth and management of the General Collection is delegated to the Collection Management Librarian; however, the final responsibility lies with the Library Director.

University Librarians will liaise with University Faculty/departments in selecting proposed materials and resources, though recommendations are welcome from any member of the Wesleyan Community. It is the responsibility of the University Faculty and their corresponding University Librarian liaison to communicate the selection of proposed materials for acquisition to the Collection Management Librarian. Acquisition of each recommendation will be given equal consideration but shall ultimately depend on the selection guidelines outlined in the next section of this document.

It is the duty of the West Library to provide reasonable access to materials and resources in all formats and subject areas, as well as reasonable means of discovery. The selection process of the West Library shall endeavor to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs offered by Texas Wesleyan University. Materials must serve both the breadth of the curriculum and the needs and interests of individual members of the Wesleyan Community (primarily students.)  It is the obligation of Texas Wesleyan University and the West Library to provide for a wide range of abilities and to respect diverse points of view. To this end, the principles of selection must be placed above the selector's personal opinions, biases, or prejudices. Criteria taken into consideration when selecting materials and resources are listed below; note that this list is not exhaustive, and additional considerations may be made on a case-by-case basis as determined by the professional estimation of the Collection Management Librarian and the Library Director: 

  • Support for curriculum and research 
    • Relevance of the subject matter to the collection 
    • Current availability of materials on the subject within the West Library’s collections (both print and digital) 
    • Creator’s reputation and significance in their field 
    • Inclusion of the title in recognized biographies 
    • Uniqueness of the content 
    • Interdisciplinary value of the content 
  • Lasting value 
    • Timeliness or currency of the information 
    • Authoritativeness of the creator, publisher, producer, editor, vendor, etc. 
    • Appropriateness of the depth and/or breadth of the content 
    • Accuracy of the information presented in the content 
  • Price: materials or resources that present an unusual strain on the available budget will not be purchased by the West Library. Materials or resources (particularly digital) that require additional fees or registrations to access will not be purchased by the West Library. 
  • Usability of the content: the West Library will not purchase materials whose use is limited to a subset of the Wesleyan Community or where the ability of the user to access the content is currently beyond the technological means of the Library. 
  • Multiple copies may not be necessary for specific items, and selection will be made on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Consumable materials will not be purchased by the West Library. 
  • Textbooks: Requests for textbooks will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be thought to have value beyond that of a textbook or serve a dire need of the Wesleyan Community. Any print textbooks purchased by the West Library, as determined by the Collection Management Librarian and the Library Director, will be placed on Reserve to ensure reasonable access to the content. Donated textbooks may be added to the General Collection. University Faculty may choose to donate to or house textbooks within the Reserves Collection, which is the responsibility of the Circulation Department. The purchase of digital textbooks is discouraged; if the purchase is deemed necessary, digital textbooks will be hosted on the vendor platform where they were acquired, and access may be dictated by the user license under which it was purchased. 

Deselection, or “weeding,” of the General Collection is delegated to the Collection Management Librarian, though the final responsibility lies with the Library Director. The deselection guidelines cover all materials within the General Collection, including print and digital materials and resources that have been purchased or gifted. This process does not apply to materials that are rare or considered to be of high value or that are within the jurisdiction of other Library departments and their collections. Criteria taken into consideration when deselecting materials and resources are listed below; note that this list is not exhaustive, and additional considerations may be made on a case-by-case basis as determined by the professional estimation of the Collection Management Librarian and the Library Director: 

  • Deteriorated materials and resources that are in poor physical condition beyond reasonable repair. 
  • Superseded materials and resources that are considered obsolete due to age, invalidity of information or format, and have no notable historical value. 
  • Excess materials and resources that are duplicate copies of the same or different formats (i.e., print and digital.) 
  • Superfluous materials and resources that no longer support the curricula or mission statements of Texas Wesleyan University and the West Library. 
  • Unused materials and resources may be considered for deselection due to issues such as space constraints. 

Materials and resources that are deselected will be disposed of at the discretion of the Collection Management Librarian. This may include but is not limited to, donation, selling to a third-party vendor, recycling, submission to Special Collections and Archives for assessment, storage, or general disposal. 

The West Library supports the curriculum of the university as well as the ability of students and faculty to explore topics in depth. Consequently, the library seeks to select materials representing all sides of various issues, and some materials in its collection may be considered controversial by certain groups or individuals. To request an official review, patrons may submit a Request for Item Reconsideration Form, which the Library Director and the Library Materials Reconsideration Committee will review. The complainant will receive a written copy regarding the decision of the challenged material. 

Gifts and donations are accepted by the West Library upon the following conditions:

  • The West Library will provide a suitable repository for the materials in accordance with library and archival standards to ensure both preservation and accessibility to users. The University shall have no liability for damage to or loss of the materials by fire, water, or other casualty. 
  • The West Library will use its discretion in disposing of donated materials that do not meet the selection guidelines of the collection development policy. 
  • The University will not determine the value of the donated materials. However, the University will supply a notice to the donor verifying the receipt of these materials. The donor is responsible for determining and reporting the value as appropriate to state and federal tax authorities.
  • The donated materials will be made available to researchers in keeping with the access guidelines of the West Library; any restrictions related to access can only be made about the length of time that the items must be held in processing before being made accessible to researchers. The donor may not request to limit access to any group of researchers/users.
  • To the best of their knowledge, the donor warrants that they own the physical property free and clear of any liens and possess the full rights, power, and authority to transfer ownership of the materials to the West Library.

The evaluation of gifted and donated items shall be consistent with the above specified Selection Guidelines and Deselection Guidelines.

Reference Policy

This document gives guidelines and departmental policies for providing reference services in order to promote a high-quality uniform standard of service. It is intended for both Library staff and patrons.

  • Reference Work includes reference transactions and other activities that involve the creation, management, and assessment of information or research resources, tools, and services.
  • Reference Transactions are information consultations in which library staff recommend, interpret, evaluate, and/or use information resources to help others to meet information needs. Reference transactions do not include formal instruction or exchanges that provide assistance with locations, schedules, equipment, supplies, or policy statements.

The Reference Department's purpose is to:

  • facilitate access to resources to support the information needs of students, faculty, and staff
  • provide instruction on the use and potential of those resources to patrons pursuing information
  • inform patrons of alternative sources of information
  • connect the patron with the information they seek

Reference services are for the following groups:

  • Texas Wesleyan community including current students, faculty, staff and staff
  • Texas Wesleyan University alumni
  • Members of the community
  • Patrons at other institutions that are members of our Ask A Librarian chat Co-op
  • Desk: In-person reference assistance is available during all hours of library operation.
  • Phone: Assistance is available at 817-531-4802 during all hours of library operation. Voicemail is available for after-hours calls. Voicemails will be returned the following business day.
  • Email: Email assistance is available at Library staff will reply to the patron by the end of the next business day. Emails received during weekend hours may take longer. 
  • Chat: Chat reference service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Other Points: In the library building and other locations on campus.

The service philosophy of Reference Department relies on principles and guidelines of library organizations plus university policies in the following areas: 

  1. Intellectual Freedom, diversity & inclusion, and Ethics 

The American Library Association’s (ALA) documents on intellectual freedom, diversity &  inclusion, and ethics.  This includes, but is not limited to:  

  1. Behavioral Attributes of Reference Librarians 

The Reference Department adheres to the behavioral attributes of reference librarians, as identified in RUSA’s Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers

  1. Professional Competencies for the Reference Department 

Reference staff follow the ALA’s Professional Competencies for the Reference & User Services Librarians and the Library Code of Ethics.

  1. Privacy Policies

The Reference Department staff adhere to all privacy policies of the University in the following documents. 

In addition to the above University policies, the library staff adhere to the Code of Ethics of the American Library Association regarding privacy. All reference sessions are kept confidential. Reference transactions are maintained for use by library staff for reporting purposes and improving service.

  1. Distance Learning  

West Library supports the Distance Education policy of the University by offering virtual reference services. Contact CETL (817-531-6563) or  to read this document. 

  1. Virtual Reference Services

  • Virtual reference is reference service initiated electronically for which patrons employ technology to communicate with public services staff without being physically present. Communication channels used frequently in virtual reference include chat, video conferencing, Voice-over-IP, co-browsing, e-mail, instant messaging, and text. For more information please view   RUSA's Guidelines for Virtual Reference.

  • While online sources are often utilized in provision of virtual reference, use of electronic sources in seeking answers is not of itself virtual reference. 

  • The target population for virtual reference encompasses the entirety of the Texas Wesleyan community, with a focus on students.   

  • Staff will monitor the virtual chat (LibAnswers) during normal operating hours of the Reference desk.  Staff operate the virtual chat in rotating shifts as assigned by the Head of Reference.  

  • All phone calls and virtual chat are expected to be answered by staff ASAP.  If chat or phone calls occur during closed hours, they will be answered within the next 24 hours.  All email requests should be attended to ASAP, though staff have 24 hours in which to reply.   

  • We will treat users’ and colleagues’ online communication, including stored transcripts or records, as private and confidential except as required by law. 

  • Part of LibAnswers allows for the use of co-op services within the LibApps participant universities.  Staff are allowed, but not required, to participate in the co-op chat during their coverage of the desk.  However, priority must be given to Wesleyan users.  

  • See also 24/7 Reference Cooperative Policies & Procedures. Section 3.5 for services that chat reference does not include. 
  1. Access to Resources 

  • The reference department facilitates access to digital and print library collections and  content to support the instructional needs of the University.  Users with a current  RamID and password may log-on to use the Library Catalog, electronic databases, the  Internet, or Office365 programs on the library computers.  
  • A public computer near the reference desk with access only to the Library Catalog and  electronic databases is available to anyone.  
  • Referral and cooperative reference:  As members of the TexShare and Amigos consortia,  Texas Wesleyan community members may be referred to other libraries and/or services  for resources. 
  1. Reference Services do not include:  

  • Interpretation of Material   
    Reference staff do not interpret information, such as legal, medical, financial, tax information or statistical information or class assignments. Anything which requires your interpretation can lead to misunderstanding (e.g., medical, legal, veterinary, and citation help questions). An exception may be made for helping with routine questions involving etiquette, grammar, forms of address, etc. provided you are certain you fully understand the principles involved. In this case, you should be able to locate an example in an online almanac, citation help guide, or similar resource. 
  • Personal Opinions:
    As a general rule, it is not appropriate for librarians to give personal opinions or answer personal questions in a reference setting. Professional opinions, based on training and experience, of course, are appropriate, and should be cited as such.
  • Proofreading/Editing Written material.
    It is not appropriate for librarians to proofread, edit, or otherwise provide feedback on a research paper or other assignment. To find these services, please contact the Academic Success Center at 817-531-4219 or
  • Editing/Creating Citations
    .  Although librarians should not edit or create citations for students, they still can do the following: 

    • Verify the style format (MLA, APA, Chicago, AMA, etc.).  
    • Assist in determining the type of source the patron is trying to cite.  
    • Provide the most appropriate citation style guide, lead the student to the relevant section, and copy/paste the relevant example, if appropriate.  
    • Make a referral if the student needs more detailed guidance (i.e., to the instructor, or to the Academic Success Center tutors,). 
  • See also 24/7 Reference Cooperative Policies & Procedures. Section 3.5 for services that chat reference does not include.