LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides one-click access to the library's full-text resources and open-access journals while searching the web.
When you're browsing academic websites like PubMed, Wikipedia, or publisher pages, it identifies if your library has access to the article you're looking at. If it does, it gives you a direct link to the PDF or article, saving you from searching through multiple sites.
In short, it's a tool that makes it faster and easier for researchers and students to find the full articles they need, right from their browser.
LibKey Nomad is available on the following browsers:
How Does LibKey Nomad Work?
LibKey Nomad works by searching the webpage you are viewing for citations to scholarly articles (specifically the DOI or PMID number). If a DOI or PMID is found, LibKey provides a button to seamlessly connect you to the full-text article if it is available. If a full-text article is not available, please submit a request through Interlibrary Loan.
LibKey Nomad links you to resources without requiring a personal account and ensures your privacy. There is no user tracking or storing your Ramlink credentials after you close your browser. Clicking on a LibKey Nomad link directs you to the Ramlink login and promptly grants access to the full-text article. Once you log in initially, there's no need to log in again until you close your browser.