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Invidivual Study Rooms

Individual study rooms are available on the second and third floors on a first-come-first-served basis and may not be reserved. 

The third floor of the library is the designated "quiet floor". Therefore, no group study, conversations, or cell phone usage is permitted on the third floor. 

Group Study Rooms

Group study rooms are located on the library's second floor and are available on a first-come-first-served basis and may not be reserved.

Each group study room has electrical outlets, a chalkboard, and/or a dry-erase board. Chalk, erasers, and dry-erase markers are available at the Periodicals Desk.

Second Floor Classrooms

The second-floor classrooms are available for larger study groups after they are no longer in use for classroom instruction. Unlike the other study rooms, the second-floor classrooms may be reserved. A reservation is not required to study in the second-floor classrooms, but those with a reservation are given priority.