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Please note: If using Firefox some embedded video content may be blocked. You can watch the video by opening this guide in a different browser or by clicking this link: Teaching Methods: Differentiated Instruction
Video Summary
This video follows an elementary school teacher as she demonstrates an effective use of differentiated instruction in her classroom, and how she addresses numerous options for students to absorb the information presented and make sense of ideas.
Please note: If using Firefox some embedded video content may be blocked. You can watch the video by opening this guide in a different browser or by clicking this link: Differentiated Instruction in Action: Middle School
Video Summary
Program 2: Middle School - Join Carol Ann Tomlinson and classroom teachers as they bring differentiated instruction to life in this practical, easily implemented professional development program for the middle school level. Carol Ann Tomlinson guides viewers as they observe classroom examples of the non-negotiables of differentiated instruction. Use the integrated professional development plan, including accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts, to empower educators as they lead for student success.
Video Summary
Rotation stations allow students to learn in a range of modalities, while making differentiation manageable for one teacher.
Video Summary
In this interview, author Carol Ann Tomlinson discusses her work in Differentiated Instruction, how it can be practically applied in the classroom, advice to teachers looking to apply Differentiated Instruction in the classroom and her book Differentiation and the Brain.
Video Summary
Carol Ann Tomlinson discusses the five key aspects of differentiated instruction.