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APA Style: Webpage

A Web Page

Web Sites

APA Style

Citing a Webpage (APA 7.11)

Include as much of the following information as you can find (you may need to look at root pages or on “About this site” pages to find some of the information): Authors, F. M. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Periodical or Website. Retrieved from URL.

  • Include as much information for the date as is available, such as the full date of the page or site’s last update. If there is no publication date, indicate with (n.d.).
  • If there is no author or organization as author, begin the citation with the title of the web page. Use the first word in the title to alphabetize the cite in your references list.
  • Remove the hyperlink when citing a URL (highlight the URL, right click, select “Remove hyperlink”).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009, August 3). Novel H1N1 Influenza Vaccine. H1N1 Flu. Retrieved from

In the text of your paper:

If the website pages are stable and numbered (as in PDF files), include page numbers with the citation. Otherwise, do not. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2009)

If there is no author or organization as author given, cite using the first few words of the web page’s title. (“Novel H1N1,” n.d.)