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MCO 4301: Communication Law & Ethics


Why use these:  Use books for broad information about a topic, such as historical background, biographical information, or to fully understand the context of a specific research topic.  You can search the library's catalog for your topic of interest.  You may also browse the relevant sections of the library. The library uses the Library of Congress Classification to organize the books.  Below are the classification letters and numbers that are useful for Communication law:

  • HF5801-6182 Advertising
  • J: Political Science (Different subheading for countries)
  • K: Law
  • Language and Literature
  • P 87-96  Communication. Mass Media
  • P99.5-99.6 Nonverbal communication

Below and in the column on the right is a list of selected books on communication, communication law and communication ethics. Some of these books are  print books, while others are electronic, or eBooks.  Print books will have the call number; while electronic books will have the link to the eBook.

Books on Communication

Books on Communication Law

Political Advertising