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How to Write a Research/Term Paper

This guide will assist you in finding information and resources about how to write a research/term paper.

First Draft Tips for Students and Writers

Video Summary
Tips for writing a first draft of an essay, dissertation, thesis, report or novel.

Writing Your First Draft

Writing your first draft can be overwhelming, here are some things to keep in mind during the process.

  • Finish your brainstorming, research, and outlining - do this first!
  • Set aside daily writing time
  • Make a schedule for yourself
  • Conduct more research if needed
  • Write out of order
  • Allow imperfections

Introduction to Paragraphs and the MEAL Plan

Video Summary
Learn the basics of academic paragraphs, including considerations for organizing ideas into paragraphs and how to use the MEAL (Main Idea, Evidence, Analysis, Lead Out)  plan to conceptualize the components of paragraphs.