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How To Find & Check Out Books

This guide provides information about how to find and check out books at the West Library.

Search the West Library's Catalog

Finding Books in the Stacks

The West Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification system to organize library materials by subject using alphanumeric call numbers. It is widely used by academic and research libraries because this arrangement allows for "serendipitous browsing," where a reader may find a helpful book in the catalog and then find even more useful materials nearby on the shelf.

Each call number is unique to a particular item, reflecting its subject, author, and sometimes publication date. Think of a call number as an address for a book, telling you exactly where to find it inside the library. To learn more about call numbers and how to read them view the video and information below.

Reading the Call Number

ex: HN59 .T39 2014

HN First letters: The first letter of a Library of Congress call number indicates the general subject the call number falls within. In our example, the book is located under H, where books on social sciences are grouped. If there is a second or third letter, these indicate a specific subclass. HN indicates social history and conditions, social problems, and social reform.
59 Numbers that follow the letters: The numbers define the book's subcategory. The number 59 refers to a book about a specific region or country, in this case, America.
.T39 Cutter Number: The Cutter Number indicates the author or title of the book. It is taken from a table matching names or titles to a set of numbers. In our example, T39 reflects the first word of the author, Taylor.
2014 Year number: The edition of a volume is the next part of the call number. The year of publication follows the Cutter number to indicate the edition. In our example, 2014 indicates that this edition was published in 2014.

Library of Congress Subjects

Check Out Items at the Circulation Desk

  1.    Go to the Circulation Desk on the first floor 
  2.    Present your Texas Wesleyan University ID to the staff member at the Circulation Desk
  3.    Give the books to be checked out to the library staff member
  4.    Books are scanned and checked out to your library account
  5.    Enjoy!

Borrowing Privileges

Current Texas Wesleyan students, faculty, and staff are eligible for checkout privileges and off-campus access to databases and e-books. 

Texas Wesleyan Alumni and members of the community may check out print books.

You must present your Wesleyan ID or TexShare card to checkout material. If you present your TexShare card, you must also present a valid photo ID.

Loan Period

  • 3 weeks

Maximum Number of Items Checked Out

  • 25 items
    • up to 15 Juvenile Books
    • up to 5 Games or Audio/Visual Items

Late Fees

There are no late fees for overdue materials. However, if materials are not returned to the library, you will be charged the replacement cost of the materials, and a hold will be placed on your account. You will not be able to access your University records, including grades or transcripts.

Lost or Damaged Materials

Fees will be charged for items lost or damaged. If a current replacement cost for the same or more recent edition cannot be determined, the default price is $40.00 for General Collection and $15.00 for Juvenile items, plus a $5.00 processing fee.

Library Holds

Holds may be placed at the Circulation Desk. Holds cannot be placed for items listed as reserve, lost, missing, or on order. Students are notified when the item becomes available. Items waiting for pickup are held at the Circulation Desk for two days.

TexShare Card

The TexShare Card is a statewide library card for registered users of participating TexShare Libraries. Students may register for and receive a TexShare Card at the Circulation Desk. Student cards expire at the end of each semester.

For more information on participating libraries visit: 

Loan Period

  • Semester

Maximum Number of Items Checked Out

  • No limit

Student Assistants - Checking Out Materials For Faculty

Faculty members may authorize a student assistant to check out materials for him/her by sending written authorization to the Circulation Coordinator. At the library, the student assistant must provide a TXWES ID before checking out materials for the professor. Authorizations are maintained for the current semester and are not transferable to future semesters unless reissued by the faculty member.

TexShare Card

The TexShare Card is a statewide library card for registered users of participating TexShare Libraries. Faculty may register for and receive a TexShare Card at the Circulation Desk. 

For more information on participating libraries visit: 

Loan Period

  • 60 days
  • If a staff member is enrolled in classes, the loan period reverts to that of a student. 

Maximum Number of Items Checked Out

  • No limit

TexShare Card

The TexShare Card is a statewide library card for registered users of participating TexShare Libraries. Staff may register for and receive a TexShare Card at the Circulation Desk. 

For more information on participating libraries visit: 

Loan Period

  • 14 days

Maximum Number of Items Checked Out

  • 5 items

TXWES Alumni ID 

  • Alumni may obtain a Texas Wesleyan Alumni ID card at the Circulation Desk. 

Computer Services

Alumni do have computer privileges within the West Library. However, alumni do NOT have access to online library resources from off-campus.

Loan Period

  • 14 days

Maximum Number of Items Checked Out

  • 5 items

Computer Services

Community users do have computer privileges within the West Library. However, these privileges are limited to two computers on the first floor that do not require Texas Wesleyan credentials for access. Please visit the Circulation or Reference Desk for more information.

TexShare Card

The TexShare Card is a statewide library card for registered users of participating TexShare Libraries. If you’re a registered patron of a participating library, you may request a TexShare Card from your home library. 

There are almost 500 participating libraries across the state. To see if your library participates visit: