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Faculty Resources

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Departments and Concentrations

Here are some helpful Resources for Teaching in Texas:

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • Curriculum Journal: An international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original contributions to the study of curriculum theory, as well as curriculum-making practices. It encompasses issues relating to governance and policy development, teacher professional learning, assessment and pedagogy, insofar as they pertain to curriculum.
  • Journal of Pedagogy: Publishes outstanding educational research from a wide range of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical traditions. 
  • Open Learning: A leading international journal in the field of open, flexible and distance learning. The Journal is widely subscribed to and read throughout the world by those in specialist distance education institutions, and also by those using distance, flexible and technology based forms of learning in conventional education and training contexts.
  • Journal of Formative Design in Learning: This journal bridges the gap between theory and practice by providing reflective practitioners in teaching and learning with a single source of scholarly papers that discuss new developments and their impact on the field.

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Here are some helpful resources for Literature:

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • Brumal: Revista de Investigacion sobre lo Fantastico:  The journal opens its pages to works on the fantastic in its various artistic manifestations (narrative, theater, cinema, comics, painting, photography, video games, TV and radio) in any language or country throughout the 19th centuries, 20th and 21st. The texts may be written in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, English, French, Portuguese and Italian.
  • Comparative Literature: The ACLA-affiliated publication presents a variety of critical approaches and offers a wide-ranging look at the intersections of national literatures, global literary trends, and theoretical discourse. 
  • Twentieth Century Literature: Focusing on literary-cultural production emerging from or responding to the twentieth century, broadly construed, Twentieth-Century Literature (TCL) offers essays, grounded in a variety of approaches, that interrogate and enrich the ways we understand the literary cultures of the times. 
  • Texas Studies in Literature and Language: An established journal of literary criticism publishing substantial essays reflecting a variety of critical approaches and covering all periods of literary history.

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Here are some helpful resources!

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • Rhetoric Review: A scholarly interdisciplinary journal publishing in all areas of rhetoric and writing and providing a professional forum for its readers to consider and discuss current topics and issues.
  • Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric: The formula of Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, which alludes to the medieval trivium, allows the journal to publish a wide variety of science resources and essays, enabling the use of different methods and approaches to study a number of issues, symbolically brought together under the trivium. Last known issue December 2022.
  • Women's Studies in Communication: WSIC invites contributions that advance our understanding of the intersections of gender and race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexuality, and class, as well as the articulations between gendered performances, power, and representation in public culture. 
  • Poroi: An online, peer reviewed journal publishing scholarship on rhetoric in inquiry and culture.

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Here are some helpful resources for Second Language Education:

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • Bilingual Research Journal: Publishes on education theory and practice, dealing with bilingual education, bilingualism, and language policies in education.
  • Journal of Education, Society & MulticulturalismThe Journal of Education, Society & Multiculturalism was initiated by the members of the Department of Education Sciences in 2019, with the desire to disseminate the results of theoretical and practical research studies from different fields (such as sociology, education, psychology, social pedagogy and social work). 
  • Journal of Second Language Writing:  A peer-reviewed academic journal in the fields of linguistics and language education. Its scope encompasses all aspects of second and foreign language writing, including writing instruction and assessment.
  • RELC Journal: The RELC Journal is a scholarly platform that bridges theory and practice in language teaching and learning with integration of insights from relevant disciplines.

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Here are some helpful resources for Educational Leadership:

Academic Journals Available via Browzine:

  • Educational Administration Quarterly: Educational Administration Quarterly is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering the field of education. 
  • Harvard Educational Review: The Harvard Educational Review is a scholarly journal of opinion and research in education. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about the field's most vital issues.
  • Leadership and Policy in SchoolsLeadership and Policy in Schools aims to provide a high-quality forum for educational researchers, practitioners and policymakers to publish analyses and research about how school leaders and educational policies utilize fiscal, material, and human resources to bring about change in education and effectiveness in schools.
  • International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership: IJEPL is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to enriching the education policy, leadership, and research use knowledge bases, and promoting exploration and analysis of policy alternatives.

Books in Our Collection:

Here are some helpful resources for Early Childhood Education:

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • Zero-a-Seis: A peer-reviewed, open access journal in childhood education, education & early childhood education from the Publisher Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. 
  • Children's Literature in EducationChildren's Literature in Education has been a key source of articles on all aspects of children's literature for more than 50 years, featuring important interviews with writers and artists. It covers classic and contemporary material, the highbrow and the popular, and ranges across works for very young children through to young adults. 
  • Phi Delta KappanPhi Delta Kappan, the journal of PDK International, is the nation’s premier forum for serious discussions of research, policy, and practice in K-12 education.
  • Childhood EducationChildhood Education Innovations is a magazine-format publication that shares innovative ideas and practices for improving the education of children globally.

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Here are some helpful resources for General Education and Secondary Education:

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • American Journal of Education: This journal seeks to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive diversity of educational scholarship and to encourage a vigorous dialogue between educational scholars and policy makers. 
  • Discover EducationDiscover Education is an open access journal publishing research from a broad range of education fields with the potential to impact social and academic development and covers research on school, university, vocational, early childhood and community settings. 
  • Dialogic Pedagogy: A journal broadly concerned with dialogues in, around, and about teaching and learning. It differs radically from dialectic pedagogy in that the emphasis lies in the dialogue spaces in between learners (and teachers) rather than in hierarchical arrangements imposed by well-meaning authorities
  • Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences: This journal features case studies focusing on practical implications, or papers related to learning and teaching in social and science disciplines, and finally, reviews on recent books. 

Books in Our Catolog:

Here are some helpful resources for Mass Communication:

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • Media and Communication: An international open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in communication and its related fields.
  • Discourse, Context & Media An international journal dedicated to exploring the full range of contemporary discourse work into mediated forms of communication in context.
  • Public Relations Inquiry:  An international, peer-reviewed journal for conceptual, reflexive and critical discussion on public relations, supporting debates on new ways of thinking about public relations in social, cultural and political contexts, in order to improve understanding of its work and effects beyond the purely organizational realm. 
  • Women's Studies in Communication: Provides a feminist forum for diverse research, reviews, and commentary addressing the relationships between communication and gender.
  • Mass Communication and Society: Publishes articles on a wide variety of topics that advance mass communication theory, especially at the societal or macrosocial level. 

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Here are some helpful resources for Sports Communication:

Academic Journals available via Browzine:

  • Communication and Sport: A cutting-edge, peer-reviewed bimonthly journal that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport. 
  • Sport Management Review: Publishes on the management, marketing & governance of sport in all its manifestations: as entertainment, recreation, or occupation.
  • Journal of Sport & Social Issues: Brings you the latest research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. Using an international, interdisciplinary perspective, JSSI examines today's most pressing and far-reaching questions about sport.
  • Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media: Presents timely research articles about new developments, trends, and innovations in electronic and digital communication to advance scholarly discoveries and real-world solutions. 


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