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Faculty Resources

This guide will help faculty members connect with all faculty resources and services at the West Library.


Welcome, faculty! I am excited to work with you this school year. I am here to:

  • help you to obtain any resources that you need for your classes
  • Connect you with library services such as course reserves, purchase requests, and library instruction
  • Inform you of important news and events happening at the library
  • Provide instruction on the use of library resources for any or your classes

I will be updating this page frequently so check back for new resources and library news and events.


Image: Choice Reviews logoChoice Reviews is one way we find new academic resources for the library collection.  The link above will take you to a specific search for top-rated business academic books.  Email me with your suggestions for what to purchase!

New Databases

New Books

Image: Choice Review logoI like to use Choice Reviews to find new academic resources for the library collection.  This link will provide the top-rated academic books in your field from the past month, so you can browse to find resources you like. Email me with your suggestions for what to purchase!

New Databases

New Books