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EXS 2304 : Data Collection for Exercise Science: Steps to Doing Research

Step One

Step 1:  Identify and Develop a Topic


  • Topic=  Broadly defined Subject area
  • Research Question=narrower focus of the topic
    • Why are you researching?
    • What do you want to know about the topic?
  • Suggestions for picking a topic and a research question:
    • Discuss with your professor or classmates
    • Identify something that you are passionate about
    • Scan professional and trade publications for current trends on your TOPIC, and select a RESEARCH QUESTION based on that.
Image: Drawing of a man with a thought bubble containing a lightbulb, indicating an idea

Step Two

Step 2:  Develop an Overview of the Topic

  • Do background research on the topic--find out what you can about your topic.
  • Do background research on the different parts of your research question
  • Refine your research question—you may have picked a question that is very general and you need to make it more specific (or vice-versa).
  • Useful sources for finding background information
    • BOOKS—look at table of contents and index
  • Know what you are looking for first!
  • Going to a search engine, library catalog, or database and simply typing in words for inspiration will lead quickly to frustration
  • Typing in your entire question almost never works.

Identifying a Research Question

Step Three

Image: binoculars

Step 3:  Locate Materials

  • Books: Use mainly for background information, history, overviews of a topic
    • What to Search: Use your broader search terms (topic keywords) to search catalogs for books
    • Where to Search:  Library Catalog, (select Search Books and Media tab over the search box on the library main page). Also search Worldcat (to find other books that  the West Library doesn't have)
  • Journal Article:Use for in-depth topic research, and experimental results
    • What to Search: Use the keywords you selected from your research question or other terms that you identified from steps 1 and 2
    • Where to Search:  EBSCO Discovery Service, individual Journal databases
  • Web Pages: Varied--Everything from scholarly level research to pop-culture pages
    • What to search: Use the keywords that you developed in steps 1 and 2
    • Where to search:  Google,, other search engines

Image of a powerpoint with keywords-similar terms