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EXS 4301: Issues in Sports/Exercise: PubMed

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PubMed Stop Words


A a, about, again, all, almost, also, although, always, among, an, and, another, any, are, as, at
B be, because, been, before, being, between, both, but, by
C can, could
D did, do, does, done, due, during
E each, either, enough, especially, etc
F for, found, from, further
H had, has, have, having, here, how, however
I i, if, in, into, is, it, its, itself
J just
K kg, km
M made, mainly, make, may, mg, might, ml, mm, most, mostly, must
N nearly, neither, no, nor
O obtained, of, often, on, our, overall
P perhaps, pmid
Q quite
R rather, really, regarding
S seem, seen, several, should, show, showed, shown, shows, significantly, since, so, some, such
T than, that, the, their, theirs, them, then, there, therefore, these, they, this, those, through, thus, to
U upon, use, used, using
V various, very
W was, we, were, what, when, which, while, with, within, without, would


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