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HIS 3355: The Long 18th Century: Europe in a Wider World


Welcome to the HIS 3355: The Long 18th Century, Europe in a Wider World Research Guide. In this guide, you will find library and online resources to help you with your research and course assignments. Scroll below to see the most used resources for getting started on your research. Click on the side navigation tabs on the left to see more in-depth and comprehensive resources.

This course examines the 'long Eighteenth Century,' or the period from 1648 to 1815. It offers in-depth discussions on the economy, society, politics, warfare, diplomacy, empire, and ideas of the period stretching from the Scientific Revolution, thru the Enlightenment, and to Napoleonic Europe. We will seek to comprehend the fundamentally transformative impacts each had upon Europeans and the World.

Most Used Resources


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For articles, explore each topics specific tab in the side navigation. 


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de Largillière, Nicolas, Voltaire, Painting, 1718-1724,
(Copy of portrait conserved in the Musée national du Château de Versailles),

François-Marie d’Arouet (1694–1778), better known as Voltaire, was a French writer and philosopher who played a significant role in the eighteen century period known as the Enlightenment. He commented critically on social conventions and conditions contemporary to his time. Some of his works include CandideZadig, and Micromégas.