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EDU 2341: Instruction, Assessment and Classroom Management EC-12: Finding eBooks

What are Ebooks?

What is an ebook?

a book composed in or converted to digital format for display on a computer screen or handheld device.  Merriam Webster

1. Finding eBooks

To find eBooks, you need to use the Library catalog. The Library Catalog can be used to locate eBooks by title, author, and subject.  

Where is the Library Catalog?

On the main library page, select Books & More, then enter a search term in the search box. Screen capture of the Books and More tab on the West Library website.



2. Searching the catalog for books

Searching the Library Catalog

Once you have clicked on the Books & more tab, you can type in your topic in the search box, as is shown below.

In the search above, I limited the search terms to the title of the book. Then you click on the Search Button to the right of the search box.

3. Search Results Page

The search results page then displays. Here is a part of the results list below.

On the results page, the print books will display along with the eBooks.  In this example above, two of the three books are eBooks.  The book that I will choose will be number 25, The complete guide to lesson planning and preparation.  Go to the next box to find out what to do next.

4. Parts of a record for an eBook

5. Locating eBooks

When searching in the Library Catalog, the eBooks will appear along with the print books.  However, an eBook looks a little different, as you can see from the example above.

When you click on the link Available via EBSCO eBook Collection, it will take you to the E-Book. You can now do the following:

  • You can read the entire e-book online without checking it out.
  • You can select and Print out selected pages of the book
  • You can select and save selected pages from the book
  • You can select and e-mail selected pages from the book