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MGT 3320 : Human Resource Management

Proxy Server

off-campus login screen

West Library uses the EZproxy service for off-campus access. This service:

  • Provides internet authentication for Texas Wesleyan students, faculty and staff
  • Confirms that you are a valid Texas Wesleyan member and enables access to most library resources
  • Uses the your Ramlink username/password credentials.

Searching Everything

image of the Library home page

•When you go to the West Library’s web page, and select the Search everything tab before entering a search, you will be searching in most of the databases that the West Library has, including the Library Catalog


Searching for databases by title and subject

Accessing Databases

  • If Database Name is Known
    • Click on the Online Resources button on the left side of the search box
    • Click on the down arrow on the right side of the box under Online Resources A to Z
    • Select the letter that the database starts with
    • Look at the list of databases and select the desired one
  • Searching for Databases by Subject
    • Click on the Online Resources button on the left side of the search box
    • Click on the down arrow on the right side of the box under Online Resources by Subject
    • Select the desired subject from the list
    • Look at the list of databases and select the desired one