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OER by Discipline

This guide provides information about Open Education Resources for the disciplines and fields of study at Texas Wesleyan.

The following are only a few examples of OER textbooks and supplemental materials.  Please send an to email to Arielle Vaverka and Meagan Morris if you'd like to learn more about OER, if you'd like to suggest materials to have added to this list, or if you need help finding other no-or low-cost resources. 

The below lists were compiled by former and current librarians at Texas Wesleyan University

These are suggestions only. You the professor, as the expert in your field, are responsible for evaluating materials used in your classes.  


BIO 1403
BIO 1406
BIO 1407
BIO 1408
BIO 1409

BIO 1410


BIO 1420

BIO 1415 
BIO 1420 
BIO 2320

BIO 2401


BIO 2402



CHEM 1403
CHEM 1404 

CHE 1415


CHEM 1416

CHEM 1418



Exercise Science


EXS 1220



GEG 2304
GEG 2305


Health Professions

Medicine and Health Sciences Commons

Hosted by the Digital Commons Network. This Open access site has full-text articles searchable by subdisciplines, publishing institution, and author.



International Studies

Mass Communication


MAT 1302
  • College Algebra from OpenStax             
  • Introductory Algebra (Mazur) on BCcampus Pressbooks                                                    
MAT 1304

Natural Applied Science


PHI 2301
PHI 2321



PHY 1403
PHY 1401
PHY 1402
PHY 1410


Political Science


PSY 1301
PSY 2342



School of Business

BUA 1301
ECO 2305
FIN 1325




SPC 1301