Library faculty work with teaching faculty to tailor library instruction to the needs of the class and faculty goals. We strive to provide instruction that is timely, complete, and specific.
Faculty requesting library instruction for their classes should contact:
Sessions are scheduled on a first-come-first-served basis and should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance
To place materials on reserve, please print and fill out the West Library Reserve Request Form and bring the form and the items you would like to place on reserve to the Circulation Desk. Please allow up to two business days for your reserve request to be processed and available for checkout. Library items will be returned to the General collection at the end of the semester.
For Questions About Course Reserves
Claudine Myles
Circulation Coordinator
817-531-4801 |
The library collection is continually developed to meet the present and future information needs of students and faculty. The Library Director and Systems and Periodicals Librarian select new resources for the collection, relying heavily on faculty input. Criteria taken into consideration when making final selection decisions include:
For Subscription Purchases (Periodicals, Journals, Databases, etc.)
Nancy Edge, CA, DAS
Systems & Periodicals Librarian
Assistant Director, Eunice and James L. West Library
Associate Professor of Library Science
817-531-4816 |
For Perpetual Purchases (Books, e-Books, Media, etc)
Elizabeth Howard
Director, Eunice and James L. West Library
Full Professor of Library Science
817-531-4821 |
You can request to borrow a resource from another library in two ways:
For Questions About ILL
Kollyn Payne
Copy Cataloging and Interlibrary Loan Assistant
817-531-4804 |
To donate books to the library, each donor must fill out this form and turn it in with the item(s). The form describes, in detail, the responsibilities of the university and the donor in regards to donations. Paper forms are available at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Library Director.