On the MLA template of core element, a container is a work that contains another work. In the example below, the website Guernica contains the short story “Carrot Legs”; the website name appears in the Title of Container element.
Chou, Elaine Hsieh. “Carrot Legs.” Guernica, 12 Sept. 2019, www.guernicamag.com/carrot-legs/.
Examples of containers are shown in the following list:
From MLA Handbook, 9th ed., Ch. 5.31 Title of Container: What It Is
Journals are containers for journal articles. Titles of journal articles should be put in quotations, while the name of the journal should be italicized.
Ex. Gonzalez, Monica Marie. “Preparing Teacher Candidates for the Instruction of English Language Learners.” Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research, vol. 18, no. 2, fall 2016. ERIC, eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1152320.
*Please see the MLA Handbook, 9th Ed. for specific guidelines.