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The Case for Makerspaces: 6. Cater to Different Learning Styles

Cater to Different Learning Styles

Learning Styles

  • Tactile/Kinesthetic – This learner learns best when they have their hands on something and are interacting with objects to learn about them. This group will benefit the most from a makers lab because there are many opportunities for tinkering.​
  • Visual – This learner benefits from visual aids to guide them through the learning process. Professors can create items in the makers lab that will guide learners through a subject. Most engineers and programmers are visual learners and will enjoy use of coding projects in the lab.
  • Interpersonal/Intrapersonal – The interpersonal learner does best in a group, while the intra personal learner needs to be alone to learn. The makers lab is a collaborative space, but that does not mean that an intrapersonal learner can’t plug in their headphone a problem solve on their own.​
  • Logic/Mathematical – This learner must classify or categorize things. They have a better understanding of patterns and numbers. Much like the visual learner, this learner will benefit from coding opportunities.​ We hope our partnership with faculty members will allow for a good supplement for the tradition classroom lecture.