On this page you will find links to specific databases that pertain to applied business and economic forecasting. Also find why you would want to search in one specific database when you can search all databases at once by using EBSCO Discovery Service. Finally, information is given on accessing Google Scholar.
Why use these: To find scholarly articles from journals, to find magazine articles, and to find newspaper articles in one search. To find financial records, country profiles, market reports, and SWOT analyses.
This database covers many subjects found at colleges and universities. Contains articles from thousands of journals, magazines, news sources, and videos from the Associated Press.
Contains full-text articles from hundreds of key publications and provides access to product evaluations, interviews, biographical sketches, corporate profiles, obituaries, surveys, statistical rankings, book reviews,and reports from associations, societies, trade shows, conferences, and more.
Contains business-related journal and magazine articles, company profiles, market research reports, case studies, conference papers, country economic reports, and SWOT analyses.
Why Search One Database at a Time When You Can Search Everything at Once?