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Special Collections & University Archives

Identifying and locating primary sources at Texas Wesleyan University Special Collections & University Archives


Thank you for your interest in donating materials to the West Library Special Collections & University Archives!

For more information or to discuss a potential donation, please get in touch with us at

Internal Transfers to the University Archives

University records are transferred to the Special Collections & University Archives according to assigned retention schedules.

The process of transferring records is outlined in the following sections.

Why Transfer Records?

The work your office does is important. Transferring your office's records to the University Archives not only complies with University Policy, but it also ensures that your contributions to Texas Wesleyan University's history and development are remembered. Without records from all offices, important information is lost.

You can save physical and digital space by transferring seldom-used records to the University Archives. By transferring these records, you are no longer responsible for caring for them and the information you need will always be available.

What Records to Transfer?

Aside from what is prescribed by the University Record Retention Schedule, the University Archives collects the following records and materials on a case by case basis regardless of format:

  • Board of Trustees
  • Presidents and Provosts
  • University Offices
  • Academic Schools and Departments
  • Campus Grounds and Architecture
  • University Publications
  • University Athletics
  • Student Life
  • Alumni Papers and Publications

The University Archives does NOT collect:

  • Records of specific financial transactions
  • Records currently in use by Texas Wesleyan University Offices and Departments
  • Route letters of transmittal and acknowledgment
  • Non-personally addressed correspondence from other schools or departments
  • Duplicate materials

To view a full detailed listing of the records that the University Archives accepts please contact the University Archivist

How to Transfer Records

Please complete the University Records Transfer Form for analog (paper/physical) and electronic records. The remaining instructions are for analog records transferred to the Archives.

If your office needs to transfer electronic records, please contact the University Archivist for more information.

Please note: If you detect the presence of mold, mildew, insects, etc., in your records, please contact the Special Collections & University Archives staff immediately, and a staff member will examine your records on-site.


Preparation of Folders and Materials

Please follow the steps below to facilitate the transfer of records:

  1. All files should be arranged in the order in which they were kept in the office.
  2. Any obsolete folders should be removed.
  3. Records should be in file folders and labeled appropriately
    1. Label Example: folder title and inclusive dates
    2. Title: President's Annual Reports 
    3. Inclusive Dates: 1987-1999
    4. Complete Label: President's Annual Reports, 1987-1999
  4. All obsolete folder labels should be removed or scratched out.
  5. Materials housed in binders should be removed from the binder and placed in a folder prior to boxing.
  6. Remove extraneous fasteners (e.g. binder clips, rubber bands, staples, and paper clips)
  7. Please do NOT include the green hanging folders - they destroy the boxes and take up valuable space. Transfer any records that are in hanging folders into regular file folders.

Packing Boxes

  1. Place folders in boxes in the order in which they were kept in your office.
  2. Boxes should be full - with less than 1/2 inch of space


  1. If the boxes are only partially full, insert filler material such as crumpled paper into the back of the box to allow folders to stand firmly upright.
  2. All boxes should be numbered in pencil in sequential order and by reference to the total number of boxes to be transferred (e.g. 1 of 10)
  3. An inventory list of folder titles (called a box list) should be made for each box and then placed in its corresponding box. You can find the Archival Record Transfer Box/Object Inventory Form under the University Records Transfer Documents box at the top left of this page.
  4. If you are sending permanent records, be sure to identify whether the materials are restricted on the transfer form. If you are unsure whether your records are permanent or temporary, please review the University's records retention schedule. 
  5. Once the box list is completed please place it inside at the front of the box and make a copy to attach to the University Office Records Transfer Form.

Once Boxes and Records Are Ready

Email the Special Collections & University Archives so that we may expect your records. Include a copy of the inventory, the completed University Office Records Transfer Form, and your contact information in the e-mail.