Start with these databases to find literary criticism, authors' bios, lists of literary works, and plot summaries.
Literature Resource Center is an online literature database offering literature criticism, biographies of authors, multimedia resources (websites, podcasts, audio files) plot summaries and other topics, book reviews, and primary sources about the literature searched for.
Gale Literature brings together Gale's literary databases in a new digital environment. Contains bibliographies, primary sources, biographies, literature criticism, news & reviews of a piece of literature.
Gale Literature is an online database that collects Gale's literary databases, supporting researchers at all levels to search across materials through a single interface.
Currently, users can search these collections with Gale Literature:
Use these databases to find more general information about literary works, book reviews, authors' bios and contextual information.
Sometimes articles from scholarly journals in other disciplines can inform the critical writing you do on literary works. Below are links to some databases from other fields which may provide useful articles.
This database covers many subjects found at colleges and universities. Contains articles from thousands of journals, magazines, news sources, and videos from the Associated Press.
Created by University of Houston Libraries
Created by NCSU Library